welcome to cerita, formerly valerie merut consulting

I'm Valerie!

I'm the Founder of Valerie Merut Consulting and I’m here to help you communicate what you do on social media better, build an engaged community, generate leads + clients and make a difference in our industry and beyond.

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Why Your Social Media Strategy Isn’t Working

Do you ever feel like every social media strategy you’ve tried has been a “flop”? You’re working hard at it, trying all the tips you’re seeing online and, for some reason, they’re just not generating the results you expected.

Very few people talk about why that is, so today, I’m going to be fully transparent with you. Here are the 3 most common reasons why this is happening:

Your content strategy is not based on your target audience 

If you are not attracting the right followers, getting engagement on your posts or bookings from your social media, it is, most likely, because your content strategy was not crafted specifically to appeal to, speak to and convert your ideal clients and convert them. Everything that you do on social media from the look and feel of your grid on Instagram, the topics you talk about on what channel and the wording that you use in your captions has to come from what will resonate with your ideal clients, which brings me to my next point.

You confuse tactics and strategy

All the tips and tricks you see on social media about growing your following, getting bookings, increasing your engagement…etc are not strategies; they are tactics that belong to a wider social media strategy. And unless you have that overarching strategy in place, the tactics can only produce very limited results. Your social media strategy is going to be very unique to your business. It is based on your particular goals, your story, what makes you different, your target audience and so many other factors. It cannot be formulaic, as in post 3 times per week on your feed, 5 times a week on your stories and use 30 hashtags and respond to all your comments. These do not constitute a strategy. 

Your day-to-day actions don’t match your goals

Say your goal for the year was to increase your number of followers on your social media channels. Have you been intentional all year long about how you spent your time on social media and what you posted so that you would be able to keep getting in front of more travellers? Have you done reels for example? Lives? Collaborations? Did you comment on posts from accounts bigger than yours so you would be visible to their followers? Did you do so consistently throughout the year? Your strategy determines what you should focus on / leave to the side for now based on your goals but, your actions also need to follow consistently, day-to-day.

I am often asked why I offer my social media strategy package over 3 months instead of a single session. It’s because, one, it takes longer than one session to co-create and two, you need accountability and support to help you build the right habits, processes and routines that are going to lead you to see results.

Have a question about social media strategy? Leave a comment below or, if you’re interested in working together, click HERE to fill out an application form and I will get in touch to schedule a discovery call.

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Social media consulting, management and training for sustainable tourism businesses.